
Roll out the barrel… We’ll have a barrel of fun…That is exactly what we did at our annual Oktoberfest party! Music by Lou and Donna, pretzels and beer.

Paint a Picture of our Staff

Paint our staff! Laughter could be heard down the halls with this activity. Our residents were each provided with a picture of one of our staff members and art supplies provided to make there masterpiece. The paintings are located on our art wall for all to...

In house presentations

Here at La Rosa Gardens, we are always excited to have local businesses come into our home and discuss some very important topics. Last week we had Julia from Core Connection Mobile Physiotherapy come in and do a presentation on fall and prevention as well as show us...

Cowichan Exhibition

Our La Rosa residents got creative this week by submitting off there art work to the Cowichan Exhibition only using a few selected colors and a caterpillar for the main character. The art was proudly on display to all to see and enjoy.

Picnic in the Park

In August our weekly bus trip went to a special location. The staff and residents headed down to our local Transfer Beach for a lovely summer time picnic. The residents really enjoyed this special trip and came home with full stomachs and smiling faces! Meals were...

Celebrating our Hostesses

It’s not everyday that you get to celebrate your staff! And to do that we had the very famous Ladysmith Cinnamon Buns to add to the party. At the end of the month, we will no longer be needing our door hostesses. Looking back, we are reminded of the countless...